Paypal, Visa, Master and others block any direct payments from abroad to Russian companies. Recently we have found a workable solution for our international clients – one of out team members has opened an account in CIS bank, so now we can get payments by international wire transfers via SWIFT. Please place your order as usual and follow our emails to get payment instructions. Yep, it is not as easy as PayPal, but this is the only way by now. If you wish to pay as usual, please come back in a yesr or two, when (probably) Visa/Master/PayPal again allows you to pay us.
Shipment & Delivery
We ship worldwide by Russian Post.
Some countries have closed any postage exchange with Russia, but there are a few. Once you palced an order, we manually check if we can post to you.
Rates are calculated based on weight of your cart. Shipping times can vary from country to country.
Usually it takes 4 weeks for US, UK and EU and 6 weeks for Australia, Japan, China etc.
Please note that due to sanctions delays may occur. Please also note that if you are in EU, there can be some customs delays due to new tax laws. We do not have any IOSS number, so as far as we know our parcels will need more time at customs to proceed with.
Once we dispatch Your order, You will receive tracking number from us.
Cancelations, losts and returns
We did not have any lost parcels so far, but understand that someday it happens. Once we have confirmation from Russian post about lost, we make full refund.
You can always cancel your order. To cancel please email us at or DM us at our Instagram account
If you do it before we dispatch your order, we make full refund.
If your order is already dispatched, we make refund excluding shipping costs once we have your order back to us. Please note that often Post charges for shipping back at the same rate as for shipping to you. If it occurs, we make refund excluding all shipping costs.
If we made a mistake and send you wrong kit or your kit missing any part (fabric, floss, etc) – no worries, we are very accurate with all orders, but still humans – we provide you with all missing kit parts at our cost.
Taxes and additional fees
All prices include all local taxes, but any taxes or customs fees can occur abroad are at your cost. Please check your taxes and customs authorities to know if any additional fees can be occur.
If you are in Moscow, you are always welcome to be our guest:
Presnenskiy val, 21.